I have been working on a type of 4 colour pebble weave and I would like to share how to weave with the motifs I have drawn for this purpose. It can look like this.

How to thread:

All cards should be threaded the same way (Z or S, it doesn’t matter). You need to have cards with holes in the middle of the side. you have 2 “framing colours/tack down” threaded in A and C (white and brown) and 2 “Fill colors” threaded in B and D (blue and orange). All my designs are (for the moment) for 24 motif cards. I also added 2+2 border cards (also threaded in the same way, Z or S, but the same colour in A, B, C and D.

How to weave:

Each row in the turning scheme corresponds to one pick and each little square corresponds to one card. In each pick, you move the corresponding color as in the turning scheme) towards you (if you need blue, “D” should be close to you, like shown above), please see my video below to understand better.

Also, You need 2 weft threads, one in weft 1 and the other in weft 2. The framing colors outlines le motif. You can chose between the 2 colors. You also need to “tack down” your fill colour with one of the framing colours every 4 picks, which is marked with a “0” in the turning scheme, creating little dots.

Some designs for 4 colour pebble weave (please feel free to use).

The turning schemes can be followed from top to bottom or the reverse. Some videos below to explain further.