A blog about tablet weaving and how to design your own belts.

Category: Weaving (Page 3 of 6)

Some more sewing, and some weaving experiments.

I made this Viking style bag. It the outside is blue wool and the inside red/purple linen. I used an old belt I have woven for the strap and a piece for decoration. I used some wood from my garden for the bag handles. I like how it turned out.

And then I have experimented with a wider than usual weaving. However it did not turn out well. The first part is below.

It makes me think of when I was a kid and old 3D movies showed on TV. I didn’t have the red and green glasses, so the films looked a bit like the weave below…

Some more new designs.

I finally finished this piece. I was happy to try a lot of new designs, but I am not happy with the result. It is too crowded, I have a hard time to leave enough space between designs. I will try to do better next time. Anyway, some pictures below.

Some new “creatures in squares” designs for 24 cards

I have been drawing on some variations of creatures in squares for 24 cards (instead of 32). I am now test weaving, and I quite like how it turns out. It is not finished, but a sneak preview:

Turning schemas will be added to the designs section soon.

I also did some sewing using again my coat pattern from 1975, which I really love.

Have a great Christmas and see you again next year!

A mistake, which turned out surprisingly nice.

I had an idea for this belt, but I missed something and it turned out different than I expected. But in the end I think I like the result more than if I had succeeded. If you put it in the sun, it really glows.

I have developed several variations on diagonal patterns, both for 12 and 16 motif cards. These are in 16 motif cards. I will upload some on the design page soon.

Weaving with friends

I met up with some friends this weekend to do some weaving. It was nice, but I realised that I need to add more instructions to my page. I thought I had shared how to thread the loom for Sulawesi, but we encountered several problems. The threading seemed correct, but in some cases the motif was on the back side, and sometimes the starting position had to be changed for it to work.

Here are some pictures.

Trying out some new designs with only 12 motif cards.

As you may know, I mainly draw my designs for 16, 24 or 32 cards. However, I have been tempted to weave something smaller, with simpler motifs. I also like the classical designs found in Hallstatt, and I wanted to do something similar. So, I drafted some new designs for 12 motif cards (+4 border cards), and below are some of them.

I plan to upload some of these designs on my design page in the near future. Stay tuned…

These are the classical tablet woven bands found in Hallstatt.

Another photo of my belt and an separate shorter piece (on top), to be used for decoration of a bag (or something similar).

Silk, silk, silk

I just finished a new belt, woven in Sulawesi (as usual), but in 100% silk. The photos doesn’t give justice to the subtile shiny surface and the very soft feeling, but the feel of it is nice. I am a big fan of wool, but occasionally, silk is great too.

I have used 32 motif cards +6 border cards. Some of the designs are uploaded in my designs page and I plan to add some more, since I have tested some new variants and also how doubling up on some 16-card motivs can look like.

Kalle the Cat agreed to do some modeling…

I cannot stop weaving my beloved “creatures in squares” whenever I have a 32 card weave on the loom. To the left, octopus and swan and to the right a collection of dogs.

Various pictures of the belt. The light makes a big difference on the colors though.

I will upload some new designs on my designs page, or you can download them directly below.

More weaving, but not by me…(again).

I got a very nice mail from Nele a few days ago, who has done some weaving with my designs. I really like her choise of colors, especially the green and purple belt. It is so nice!

I feel quite inspired, so I decided to upload some more designs on my page. Please feel free to check it out and please ask me if you would like some other that are not there. I am also drawing some new ideas, but I need time to test weave them.

Silk weaving again

I have been lazy on the weaving during the summer, but now I feel inspired again. I have started a weave with silk. Well, the yellow is technically a mix of wool and silk, but still, the green and red are pure silk. Current weave: 32 motif cards + 6 border cards. I plan to maybe try some combinations of different 16 cards motifs (since 16 +16 =32). Lets see how it turns out. A first glance below.

warping and threading…


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