A blog about tablet weaving and how to design your own belts.

Tag: sagawoolcraft (Page 2 of 2)

Changing background.

I loved this color combination of blue, red and yellow in Mora garn (a swedish, quite thin, weaving wool yarn). However, when I started weaving I was a bit disapointed how it turned out. The blue and red transformed to purple when viewing it from a distance. So I decided to inverse the motiv color and the background color (by weaving 2 more picks forward (4 forward), so the starting position was B and C upp, instead of down. Then I changed back after each design element. Have a look below.

The Mora Yarn.
The finished belt

I also tried some floats in the center of a flower pattern (to the right on the 1st picture). I also did the original for comparasion (left on the 1st picture). Turning diagram in the design section.

Below are some of the designs, and I am super happy with the kangaroo! Turning diagram can be found in the design section.

Some other animals – reindeers, horses and an octopuss.

I am quite fond of the reversed colors with the blue as design color:

It is what it is…

I finished a belt today, but I feel a bit disappointed, as it is not as I expected it to be. It is still ok, but the colors didn’t turn out as I wanted and I tried to fit in too many new designs in one piece. The results is cluttered and not as I had hoped.

But I am quite happy about some of the new designs thought, and especially the “Gruyere birds”. I looked at the Gruyere bird while eating some (Gruyere) cheese, and I decided that I wanted to try a woven version. It is not an exact match, but not too far off either.

[Flag of Gruyères]
The Gryiere Bird
My bird

I am also quite fond of my “Elks” or “Deers”. Not sure yet which one it is.

I also did some new versions of my Baby dragons. I think they are quite cute.

The threading was done like this:

That’s all for now. Please let me know if you have some comments, or if you are interested in some of the other turning patterns.

Have a great week-end!

Automn weave…

I have finished my Sulawesi belt with 16 motif tablets that I wrote about a few weeks ago. I am quite happy with the result. The automn colors go well with the trees outside my window and I like feeling of the wool. I even got a chance to try it on during a medieval market yesterday.

Automn bliss

I tried some new designs for 16 cards and I will add them to the library of motifs. I have also made a short video posted on the same page, to show how to weave using my pensil designs.

I am really happy with the baby dragons. I will weave more of these.

Baby dragons
More baby dragons?

Some classical dragons and leaves to finish off.

Please let me know if you are interested in some of the other motifs.

Autumn leaves

A new 16 tablet weave on the loom.

I have started a new weave with 16 design tablets (+6 border tablets).

It feels really easy going to handle 16 tablets after the 32 on my last weave. I also really enjoy the yarn (Holst Garn, 100% wool), which I haven’t tried before. It has a rustic feeling and is quite strong. Above all, the strands does not glue together!!

I plan to add a page here with my favorite yarn suppliers (when I have time), and Holst will definitely be on it.

I have tried out some new motifs for 16 cards. I am quite happy with the pair below. Baby dragons?

I will add the turning sequence to the design page, once the belt is completed.

I also tried some new “flower bud” string motifs. For the below motif, I used the same on my 32 card weave, but using it as a double string. Even though I find the motif nicer in the 16 card version, I do like the idea of how the 16 card motifs can be combined together. I plan to explore this more on my next 32 card weave.

The turning sequence is added to the design page.

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