I loved this color combination of blue, red and yellow in Mora garn (a swedish, quite thin, weaving wool yarn). However, when I started weaving I was a bit disapointed how it turned out. The blue and red transformed to purple when viewing it from a distance. So I decided to inverse the motiv color and the background color (by weaving 2 more picks forward (4 forward), so the starting position was B and C upp, instead of down. Then I changed back after each design element. Have a look below.

The Mora Yarn.
The finished belt

I also tried some floats in the center of a flower pattern (to the right on the 1st picture). I also did the original for comparasion (left on the 1st picture). Turning diagram in the design section.

Below are some of the designs, and I am super happy with the kangaroo! Turning diagram can be found in the design section.

Some other animals – reindeers, horses and an octopuss.

I am quite fond of the reversed colors with the blue as design color: