A blog about tablet weaving and how to design your own belts.

A gallery with some of my Designs and Turning schemes for Sulawesi Tablet weaving.

Below are some motifs for Sulawesi style tablet weaving. The set up of the cards and the threading is always as indicated below (except adjusted to 16, 24, 32 or 40 cards). I use Tablet weaving draft designer to illustrate how to thread the cards.

Please check my other pages on Sulawesi weaving for explanations of this technique and the page on how to draw your own designs for explanations on how to read the scanned drawings made with pen and paper.

I have also made a video showing how I weave using my designs, and how to thread the cards.

Remember that you can ask me if something is not clear or if you would like the design of something you have seen me weaving. I mainly weave my own designs.

If a design for 16 cards is chosen, use 2-17 (+border cards) and for 24 card designs use 2-25 (+border cards). Remember that Sulawesi is always threaded in alternating SS and ZZ pairs, that turn together. I use colored cards to keep track of my pairs as you can see in the video.

I often get questions if my designs are twist neutral. In general they are not twist neutral, BUT, if you chose designs with vertically mirrored images, they are Twist neutral. Like this one for example. Design to the left is mirrored horizontally=NOT twist neutral. Whereas, the design to the light is mirrored vertically=TWIST NEUTRAL.


Designs for 32 motif cards (16 pairs)

More designs here.

Example of threading 32 motiv cards (omitting background color)

Designs for 24 motif cards (12 pairs)

More designs here (24 cards) or here.

Examples of threading with 24 motiv cards.

Designs for 16 motif cards (8 pairs)

More designs here.

Examples of threading with 16 motiv cards.

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  1. jeff

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  2. Nadide Cabakcor

    Öncelikle teşekkür ederim.bunlar o kadar güzel ki kutlarım. Bu şablonları okumayı hala öğrenemedim.başarmak istiyorum. Yardım eder.isiniz?

  3. Cinthi

    Thank you very much!

  4. Cissi_555

    Thank you!
    They are not twist neutral, but since I change designs all the time, it seems to average out as I weave. I have very little twist build up and I never stop to remove the twist. For the borders, just change direction with regular intervals, but don’t change them all at once. I flip the outer cards, weave 4 piks, flip the next card, weave 4 piks, etc.
    I often use weights, and then I attach the border card threads to a big bolt (screw). One bold per card. This way I can untwist by letting the bold rotate. But for the design cards, they are all attached to the same bigger weight.
    Good luck!

  5. Cinthia

    Hi! I really love what you do! I’m new to card weaving. I would like to know if your designs have twisted threads. For the borders I know they will twist but the designs itself!? And do you think it’s possible to go forward and backward for the borders?

    Thank you for sharing your work!!

  6. Nunung Iriani Rosita

    i found the video! thank you…❤❤

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